Thursday, October 9, 2008


Ezra Pound’s defines an image as “that which presents an itellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time.”


Flowers through the window
lavender and yellow

changed by the white curtains -
Smell of cleanliness -

Sunshine of the late afternoon -
On the glass tray

a glass pitcher; the tumbler
turned down, by which

a key is lying - And the
immaculate white bed

William Carlos Williams, 1934

Imagism, according to Williams: “No ideas but in things.”

Morning after the move

beep, beep, beep
sun splits the blinds

beep, beep, beep
a truck rumbles past

I roll on my back
cold air slips under
the cumulus comforter

cell phone: 6:45

clothes spill from
carboard boxes
onto the carpet

a real mattress
leans on a wall

cell phone: 6:56

sun splits the blinds
out the window
light on leaves
yellow and red


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